My personal Key Performance Indicators - KPI

In my work career there have been companies that I worked for that utilize a business practice known as Key Performance Indicators or KPI’s. KPI is a way of measuring the effectiveness of an organization and its progress towards achieving its goals. Or, it is a set of quantifiable measures that a company uses to gauge its performance over time.

When learning about KPI, I recall being told that KPI can be used to set, monitor and make improvements in my personal life. I had heard some people using KPI principles in personal weight loss regimen. I turned this practice to my personal gain by using KPI with my Diabetic condition. For me the indicators allow me to measure my daily blood sugar readings to understand if I’m trending in the desired direction or not. This gives me the options to make adjustments in diet, exercise or medication regimen working towards desired positive results.

If you are interested in learning more about the basic principles of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) then, I can suggest a source that I have viewed.  At they explain the topic of “What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

See the link below:


Ron Masumoto
Regional Director
GLC Business Services