I have come to realize how congested my home Wi-Fi system has become. With all the conveniences of Smart Devises available these days it’s no wonder how quickly my system has slowed down even if I purchased the most Megabytes from my ISP. I took inventory of all the devises I have that are Wi-Fi dependent. To my surprise I counted 25 devises. This has prompted me to search for an alternative I could utilize which has drawn me to consider something called Mesh Wi-Fi. Please review the article explaining Mesh WiFi by Jaime Vazquez.

Buying guide for best Mesh Wi-Fi systems
By Jaime Vazquez

Traditionally, getting Wi-Fi in your home has meant buying a wireless router, managing it through a clunky web-based interface, and hoping you can put it in a place that’s centralized enough to provide coverage everywhere you need it. And while there are definitely some great wireless routers and extenders out there, there’s a new kid on the home networking block you should meet: mesh networking.

Mesh networking technology takes a more flexible approach to Wi-Fi: each mesh Wi-Fi system includes multiple identical nodes that you place in key locations, with one attached to your modem. Then, when you connect to the internet, the nodes work together to send the data to the one you’re closest to. The best part: it’s all seamless. With a mesh Wi-Fi system, you get one giant Wi-Fi network with multiple access points.

Mesh Wi-Fi systems are also convenient to manage. Most include a smartphone app that’s used for everything from setup to administration. There are plenty of technical reasons why mesh networks are more effective in most homes, but at the end of the day, what matters most too many users is the convenience they offer. Most mesh Wi-Fi systems can be set up in less than 30 minutes.

If you’re tired of dead spots in your home, or if you’re just ready to build the best Wi-Fi network you can, we’ve got you covered.




About the author

Jaime Vazquez has been writing about technology and geeking out with gadgets since 2000. He loves trying the latest electronics so that his readers don't have to, and using his inner cheapskate to find the best bargains.


Ron Masumoto
GLC Regional Director