October 21, 2019

GLC was fortunate enough to celebrate a great event in Rochester at a unique location. Our partnership with Greentopia was recognized at a networking event on top of “pumping station number four;” feet from where the Genesee River becomes Rochester’s High Falls. The event celebrated professionals; working around and dedicated to, one of Rochester‘s greatest natural resources, and beautiful locations.
Not only are the High Falls a testament to the power, and beauty of nature; they are also important landmark in the history of our region’s economic development. Early Rochester thrived on trade available via the Erie Canal, and the use of hydro-power which drove flour mills well before the era of widespread electricity. Our event was hosted in clear view the downtown area, the Genesee Brewery, Mill Street, and the final jumping platform of 1820’s Daredevil- Sam Patch.
If you get the chance please support Greentopia in their revitalization efforts and, ask for a tour of their impressive locations: https://greentopia.org.

Michael Hayes
GLC Chief Executive Officer