Cultivating employee trust is the cornerstone of leadership excellence. Attention in this area is pivotal in a growing business, between company leaders, managers, and peers. A culture of trust leads to higher job satisfaction and increased productivity, through the simple means that employees know they can rely on one another and that their best interests are under consideration. There are some specific leadership qualities and strategies that we can say have personally contributed to building and sustaining a trusting work environment for our business. 

Trustworthy leaders take accountability for their actions and decisions. Some mistakes in business are unavoidable. When mistakes happen, acknowledge them, learn from them, and communicate about the steps being taken to address future actions. One of our regional directors, Mark Starnes, said on this topic “I expect our associates to always do the right thing regarding our clients and our processes and I hold them accountable. Saying that I am also accountable to them.” Strong accountability is a standard that Mark holds his whole team to he said on the subject, “I must listen to my team members, ensure they know they are being heard, and give them constructive feedback. I approach leading/managing people from a Servant/Leader standpoint.”

Additionally, leaders who empower their team members to take ownership of their work and contribute to decision-making processes demonstrate a level of trust that inspires confidence and fosters a sense of responsibility among employees.

Trust also relies on good communication. Leaders who are open and honest in their communication build a foundation of trust among their team members. 

Mark says “I always want my teams to know I will do anything that I ask them to do, show them why the job is important, and encourage collaboration.” He shows consistency by saying “If I tell them I am going to do something I must do it so they know they can trust my word.” 

He points out that a leader's attitude also has an impact on the trust he builds day-to-day. “Another thing I think is very important is to always greet them with a smile and be positive.” He wants his team to understand that regardless of the challenges they might face, “there is always a solution and that together we can find what that solution is. When you get the employees involved in finding a solution that gives them confidence and empowers them to throw out ideas for future solutions.” 

Transparency in these difficult moments of needing to find solutions as a team is also pivotal in building trust. It involves sharing information about the company's goals, challenges, and decisions. It also means acknowledging when there are uncertainties and communicating the steps being taken to address them. This quality fosters a culture of openness and sets the stage for trust to flourish. Offering transparency to find solutions and encourage ideas is significant. It will test trust between colleagues, but offers chances to strengthen collaboration between people as well. 

Our director, Mark, concludes his thought on trust by saying “Finally, a manager needs to always be professional, respectful, and gracious in their interactions with their associates. Be wary of gossip and never talk about another employee negatively. When an employee sees that you will not engage in gossip that also leads them to trust you.”

Consistency of this nature, and this professional decorum, is key to building trust. Leaders who consistently demonstrate fairness, reliability, and integrity gain the confidence of their team. When employees can predict how their leader will respond to various situations, it creates a sense of security. Consistency also involves aligning words with actions, ensuring that promises made are kept. This builds credibility and reinforces the leader's commitment to their team.

Empathy is a powerful tool for building trust. As a business, we’ve found through personality testing that many individuals on our leadership team, while presenting high-functioning analytical skills, also score high in emotional responses to those around them. 

Leaders who understand and acknowledge the feelings and perspectives of their team members create an environment where people feel valued. Leaders who take the time to listen to the concerns, ideas, and feedback of their employees foster a culture of trust. By showing genuine interest in the well-being of their team, leaders establish a connection and build mutual understanding between them. 

In the journey to cultivate employee trust, leadership plays a pivotal role. By embodying qualities such as transparency, consistency, empathy, and accountability, leaders set the stage for a trusting work environment. These qualities, combined with actionable strategies contribute to a workplace where trust is not just a goal but a lived reality.

Leadership excellence is measured not only by business results but also by the strength of the relationships and trust within the team. 

It is important that leaders recognize the profound impact their actions and qualities have on the trust built within a company. Ultimately, the people on the team shape the workplace culture. It is their trust that inspires confidence, loyalty, and success. Trust, once earned and nurtured, becomes the driving force behind a thriving work environment.


Place a Team You Trust in Your Office